Sunday, February 17, 2013

MEGARA Turtle Monster Now Available!!

I am proud to announce the opening of the pre-order for my turtle monster MEGARA! He is being produced in Japan by some of the best vinyl toy folks in the world. Here is a pic...
This release will be in blank black vinyl and also glow in the dark vinyl. If you are interested please drop by my shop and order one or one of each. Thanks!


  1. im really excited to get this guy in the mail :)
    any update on shipping or processing or anything related to this fella?

  2. Hi, Im the art directer of a creative collective, Blackball Universe, located near Jack London Square in Oakland.
    I`ve already emailed you, but we love a taste of your art work, and hoping if we could have a dark, scary art show in October.
    Anyway, if this sounds interesting to you, contact me at

